From Torment to Triumph

Posted by on Feb 8, 2012 in Blog | 0 comments

…a true story of a brave woman who overcame tremendous life challenges to emerge as a Winner using Life-Coaching Winner ProgramTM

The subject of my story is Sarah, a 30-year-old graduate in computer science who worked as a software programmer in the world of high tech. In addition to working full time, she operated a side practice in holistic nutrition, having successfully attained certification through part-time studies in her area of interest -health and environmental issues.

However, Sarah suffered from poor health; she struggled with self-esteem issues, food sensitivities and emotional issues around food. She also suffered from migraine headaches and adult acne. She was constantly worried about her weight and was a yo-yo dieter. Sarah tried a number of treatments including modern medicine, naturopathic, nutrition, psychological counselling, as well as homeopathic treatment, but none of them gave her substantial lasting relief.

Eventually, being at her wit’s end, Sarah decided to embark on a constitutional homeopathic treatment. Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms. It takes into account the mental as well as the emotional makeup of a person, as well as habits, tendencies and inclinations, along with the physical symptoms that may be ailing them. When accurately implemented, homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems.

Recurrent ear infections, for example, can be treated with a homeopathic remedy for a longer period of time to strengthen the body’s immune system and to prevent future occurrences. In Sarah’s case, the treatment helped her become asymptomatic within a year.

Treatment continued and Sarah’s vitality, self esteem and confidence levels increased tremendously. She ultimately left her full-time high tech job to embark on holistic practice full-time. Unfortunately, she did not succeed in her practice. After trying for almost two years and incurring a sizeable debt in order to stay afloat, the business folded. Eventually she had to sell her house and move back in with her parents. Her self-esteem was shot and she was becoming increasingly hopeless. She then embarked on a coaching program, which involved attending two one-on-one sessions per week, supplemented with assignments and exercises to be completed at home. Several deep-rooted belief systems that were limiting her success were identified, clarified and worked on. Once identified, releasing methods were used to neutralize some of these limiting beliefs that were holding her back in life. Very quickly, her self-esteem started to rise, her energy levels and motivation increased and, to top it all off, she was offered a job with one of her previous employers.

Things seemed to be on an upswing for Sarah. Negativity was dissolving and was being replaced with enthusiasm and positive expectation. As she kept working on the program modules, things kept on getting better and better. Together with her homeopathic treatment, they supported her through the challenges of going back to work, emotional issues around financial matters and change of circumstances, moving back home with her parents.

Within five months of returning to work, her job became permanent and she received a promotion together with a salary increase.

She was able to start paying back her debts. It has been less than a year since she returned to work. She has a renewed relationship with her parents and has found a line of work that she absolutely loves. Her request to work a four day week was granted, so she can now use her free time to resume her nutrition practice part time again, this time in a more realistic and sensible way. She is now looking to purchase a single family home so she can have a place of her own once again.

Here is a testimonial that she gave to us in her own words:

I had no money. I had quit my job to start a business and was months away from bankruptcy, with over $60,000 in credit card debt. I had even met with a bankruptcy lawyer – which for me was unheard of. Not only has Aryev worked with me to find full time work, he has also helped me through all my fears and all my humiliation about having to go back to work for someone else.

I used to suffer from food sensitivities, migraine headaches and adult acne; all of that has disappeared. I used to be a yo-yo dieter, always worried about my weight, and had self-esteem issues I am now earning over $70,000 a year, and even got a raise only 5 months after my start date.

I am now on module 4 of the winner program, and am also under homeopathic treatment; my life since working with Aryev has improved tremendously. I almost feel silly writing it all out, there’s been so much benefit now eating healthily and going to the gym every day have become a part of my lifestyle. The very things I used to dread, I now love and can’t imagine living without.

I do them by choice and not because I “should”; I work out every day and my relationships have improved – I am getting along better with my parents and family, and am now just a happier person to be around. And as if that weren’t enough, Aryev has also helped me re-start my business – in a realistic and sustainable way, so I can be successful at it, and eventually leave my job and become my own boss again.

The winner program is a service unparalleled by anyone else. I’ve worked with many alternative practitioners, spent thousands of dollars on counseling, nutritional, naturopathic and chiropractic therapies and could not find close to these results anywhere else. No one can afford not to do this – it’s literally life changing. I would recommend anyone do it; Aryev will help you through anything, every step of the way. Aryev – I can’t thank-you enough. I say it all the time, I am blessed to know you and to have you as my coach. All my love and gratitude.” – N.M.

Aryev is a certified life coach and is available for coaching. He coaches’ people to enhance their life experience. Aryev has been practicing Yoga and meditation for over 20 years. He has taught Yoga, meditation and lifestyle classes at several places including Carleton University, IBM/Cognos as well as several public and private gyms.
Aryev is also a qualified homeopath. When he started treating people with homeopathy, he observed that although their physical and mental health was getting much better, their lives were not necessarily improving. They still had similar jobs, similar money situation, and similar types of relationship dynamics, similar habits and ways of being.

So Aryev decided to design a coaching program to change that. He began with his existing clients and after years of trial and error, his Winner ProgramTM executive coaching emerged.

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