
Aryev Bhardwejj is a certified life coach and seasoned spiritualist. He’s like a coconut – hard on the outside, and soft on the inside. He can see things about you, things about you only you and maybe your Mother might know. He is so precise at getting right to the root of any problem, that they are addressed and cleared at record speed. He often uses the expression: “it’s like watering the root of a tree instead of every leaf”. He will tell you exactly what to address and when, and you’ll get to move past your negative behaviours and lifestyle patterns, so you can become the ultimate version of yourself. The person you’ve always wanted to be. And he’ll be with you every step of the way. His programs require a dedication and commitment – but there’s no comparison, or substitute. His results are bar none; I guarantee you’ll never be the same again.

Aryev has been practicing Yoga and meditation for over 20 years. He has taught Yoga, meditation and lifestyle classes at several places including Carleton University, IBM/Cognos as well as several public and private gyms.

Aryev is also a qualified homeopath. When he started treating people with homeopathy, he observed that although their physical and mental health was getting much better, their lives were not necessarily improving. They still had similar jobs, similar money situation, and similar types of relationship dynamics, similar habits and ways of being.

So Aryev decided to design a coaching program to change that. He began with himself. Then he worked with his existing clients and after years of trial and error, his Winner ProgramTM executive coaching emerged.